بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
وَالنَّازِعَاتِ غَرْقًا ‌[79-1]
I swear by the angels who violently pull out the souls of the wicked,
وَالنَّاشِطَاتِ نَشْطًا ‌[79-2]
And by those who gently draw out the souls of the blessed,
وَالسَّابِحَاتِ سَبْحًا ‌[79-3]
And by those who float in space,
فَالسَّابِقَاتِ سَبْقًا ‌[79-4]
Then those who are foremost going ahead,
فَالْمُدَبِّرَاتِ أَمْرًا ‌[79-5]
Then those who regulate the affair.
يَوْمَ تَرْجُفُ الرَّاجِفَةُ ‌[79-6]
The day on which the quaking one shall quake,
تَتْبَعُهَا الرَّادِفَةُ ‌[79-7]
What must happen afterwards shall follow it.
قُلُوبٌ يَوْمَئِذٍ وَاجِفَةٌ ‌[79-8]
Hearts on that day shall palpitate,
أَبْصَارُهَا خَاشِعَةٌ ‌[79-9]
Their eyes cast down.
يَقُولُونَ أَئِنَّا لَمَرْدُودُونَ فِي الْحَافِرَةِ ‌[79-10]
They say: Shall we indeed be restored to (our) first state?
أَئِذَا كُنَّا عِظَامًا نَّخِرَةً ‌[79-11]
What! when we are rotten bones?
قَالُوا تِلْكَ إِذًا كَرَّةٌ خَاسِرَةٌ ‌[79-12]
They said: That then would be a return occasioning loss.
فَإِنَّمَا هِيَ زَجْرَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ ‌[79-13]
But it shall be only a single cry,
فَإِذَا هُم بِالسَّاهِرَةِ ‌[79-14]
When lo! they shall be wakeful.
هَلْ أَتَاكَ حَدِيثُ مُوسَىٰ ‌[79-15]
Has not there come to you the story of Musa?
إِذْ نَادَاهُ رَبُّهُ بِالْوَادِ الْمُقَدَّسِ طُوًى ‌[79-16]
When his Lord called upon him in the holy valley, twice,
اذْهَبْ إِلَىٰ فِرْعَوْنَ إِنَّهُ طَغَىٰ ‌[79-17]
Go to Firon, surely he has become inordinate.
فَقُلْ هَل لَّكَ إِلَىٰ أَن تَزَكَّىٰ ‌[79-18]
Then say: Have you (a desire) to purify yourself:
وَأَهْدِيَكَ إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ فَتَخْشَىٰ ‌[79-19]
And I will guide you to your Lord so that you should fear.
فَأَرَاهُ الْآيَةَ الْكُبْرَىٰ ‌[79-20]
So he showed him the mighty sign.
فَكَذَّبَ وَعَصَىٰ ‌[79-21]
But he rejected (the truth) and disobeyed.
ثُمَّ أَدْبَرَ يَسْعَىٰ ‌[79-22]
Then he went back hastily.
فَحَشَرَ فَنَادَىٰ ‌[79-23]
Then he gathered (men) and called out.
فَقَالَ أَنَا رَبُّكُمُ الْأَعْلَىٰ ‌[79-24]
Then he said: I am your lord, the most high.
فَأَخَذَهُ اللَّهُ نَكَالَ الْآخِرَةِ وَالْأُولَىٰ ‌[79-25]
So Allah seized him with the punishment of the hereafter and the former life.
إِنَّ فِي ذٰلِكَ لَعِبْرَةً لِّمَن يَخْشَىٰ ‌[79-26]
Most surely there is in this a lesson to him who fears.
أَأَنتُمْ أَشَدُّ خَلْقًا أَمِ السَّمَاءُ بَنَاهَا ‌[79-27]
Are you the harder to create or the heaven? He made it.
رَفَعَ سَمْكَهَا فَسَوَّاهَا ‌[79-28]
He raised high its height, then put it into a right good state.
وَأَغْطَشَ لَيْلَهَا وَأَخْرَجَ ضُحَاهَا ‌[79-29]
And He made dark its night and brought out its light.
وَالْأَرْضَ بَعْدَ ذٰلِكَ دَحَاهَا ‌[79-30]
And the earth, He expanded it after that.
أَخْرَجَ مِنْهَا مَاءَهَا وَمَرْعَاهَا ‌[79-31]
He brought forth from it its water and its pasturage.
وَالْجِبَالَ أَرْسَاهَا ‌[79-32]
And the mountains, He made them firm,
مَتَاعًا لَّكُمْ وَلِأَنْعَامِكُمْ ‌[79-33]
A provision for you and for your cattle.
فَإِذَا جَاءَتِ الطَّامَّةُ الْكُبْرَىٰ ‌[79-34]
But when the great predominating calamity comes;
يَوْمَ يَتَذَكَّرُ الْإِنسَانُ مَا سَعَىٰ ‌[79-35]
The day on which man shall recollect what he strove after,
وَبُرِّزَتِ الْجَحِيمُ لِمَن يَرَىٰ ‌[79-36]
And the hell shall be made manifest to him who sees
فَأَمَّا مَن طَغَىٰ ‌[79-37]
Then as for him who is inordinate,
وَآثَرَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا ‌[79-38]
And prefers the life of this world,
فَإِنَّ الْجَحِيمَ هِيَ الْمَأْوَىٰ ‌[79-39]
Then surely the hell, that is the abode.
وَأَمَّا مَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ وَنَهَى النَّفْسَ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ ‌[79-40]
And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires,
فَإِنَّ الْجَنَّةَ هِيَ الْمَأْوَىٰ ‌[79-41]
Then surely the garden-- that is the abode.
يَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ أَيَّانَ مُرْسَاهَا ‌[79-42]
They ask you about the hour, when it will come.
فِيمَ أَنتَ مِن ذِكْرَاهَا ‌[79-43]
About what! You are one to remind of it.
إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ مُنتَهَاهَا ‌[79-44]
To your Lord is the goal of it.
إِنَّمَا أَنتَ مُنذِرُ مَن يَخْشَاهَا ‌[79-45]
You are only a warner to him who would fear it.
كَأَنَّهُمْ يَوْمَ يَرَوْنَهَا لَمْ يَلْبَثُوا إِلَّا عَشِيَّةً أَوْ ضُحَاهَا ‌[79-46]
On the day that they see it, it will be as though they had not tarried but the latter part of a day or the early part of it.

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